What makes these charities my favorites?
It is not because they help people, because even the most poorly run charities do help some people. It is not because of the political message they provide or send, because when someone is giving to someone else, they should expect nothing in return, taking only a measure of private, personal satisfaction from the knowledge that they have indeed helped.
What makes them my favorites is who they are, and what they do. I know Fr. Marc as well as anyone knows their priest. I have worked with firefighters and EMS people in one way or another for 30 years, I am an Eagle Scout, a product of this worthy organization, and Honor Flight is dedicated to bringing WW II vets to visit their memeorial in Washington DC while they can still travel...
This is a mission in Haiti's third largest city, Les Cayes. It is run by a dear friend of mine, Father Marc. He comes from Maine, of French-Canadian heritage, and was first exposed to Haiti during service as a Navy Chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. During this service he became very concerned about the plight of the children of Haiti. Impoverished beyond the scope of the definition of that word, many without parents, little prospect for a life of any substance, Fr. Marc wanted to act, to do something for them. Like most such noble ventures, this one has been slowly establishing itself. Your help, particularly financial help, would be a most welcome blessing.

Fire Donations takes care of our most loved public servants, Firefighters and EMS/Rescue Workers. Feel free to call them at 1.877.863.4783 or email info@firedonations.com, if you have any questions.
Darrin Shaw, Founder
This organization had a profound, positive impact on my life. They too need help beyond what they receive through the participation of the members of Scouting itself.
Honor Flight was started to fly disadvantaged, World War II veterans from Springfield, Ohio to Washington D.C. to visit those Memorials dedicated in 2004 to honor their sacrifices. It has now spread across various parts of the country. They were dedicated for The Greatest Generation, where the youngest member is now 80 years old.
Additional Charities I know to be worthy: Esperanca, Inc.
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